Affiliate Disclosure is a participant in various affiliate platforms and programs, like,,, etc. An affiliate advertising program that provides websites to earn a small affiliate commission fee by linking to their associate links.  

We provide genuine information with our unbiased opinions, reviews, and experiences. Our recommendations are based on a lot of studies, research, and surveys, which help buyers to make the decision. But the final verdict is the owner’s own decision, which we respect at any cost.

FTC Disclosure Compliance Rules

In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission released its new rules for Disclosure Compliance.

These rules are set in place to ensure that readers or viewers of web media are aware if the blogger or publisher is sponsored, endorsed, or partnered with a different company. The readers need to know if the content publisher is making money by sharing a link or product.

In compliance with the FTC guidelines, we want to disclose the following links and posts on this site:

Most of the links at are affiliate links for which I receive a small affiliate commission from sales of certain items.

About Affiliate Links

Purchases are made on external (third-party) affiliate company websites: when a reader clicks on an affiliate link located at to purchase an item, the reader buys the item from the seller directly (not Though the final opinion and decision lie on the reader about our website and affiliate website, which we honor without any condition. gets a small affiliate commission or other compensation from affiliate companies for helping to bring customers to their website.

Prices are the same for readers whether they purchase through or directly from affiliate company sites.